Noctis Eternum
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Priest Empty Priest

Post  Metalista Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:36 am

Spec Pve Shadow
Aici aveti spec-ul de care aveti nevoie pentru a fi un shadow priest pve.
Spell rotation:Shadow Word:Pain, Devouring Plague, Vampiric Touch, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Flay, si de la capat fara Shadow Word Pain. Daca doresti poti sa bagi in rotatie si Shadow Word:Death asta dupa ce dai Mind Blast.
Gems: ai 2 variante ori haste si spirit ori spell power si crit, dar NU UITA, spell penetration cap ar fi bine sa ai peste 45 si de asemeni NU UITA Hit Cap 5% pvp >9% pve

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Join date : 2010-08-29
Age : 31
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Priest Empty Re: Priest

Post  oase Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:25 am

Priest Holy - PvE

Spec Talente - Disc14/Holy57/Shadow0 [-->Aici<--] e specu' pe care il am eu, pana acum pot sa zic ca nu m-a dezamagit, ba din contra.

Spell Rotation - Nu am o ordine anume bine stabilita... nu stiu cat ii ia lu unu din viata si dau speluri in functie de dmg in general cam astea sunt rotatiile pe care le folosesc cel mai des:

1.Heal Group - [Inner Focus] Cooldown 3min --> [Divine Hymn] 8min cooldown --> [Prayer of Healing] --> [Circle of Healing] --> Eventual [Renew] + [Flash Heal] (la unu altu)

2.Heal Tank(single) - [Power Word: Shield] --> [Guardian Spirit] Cooldown 3min --> [Prayer of Mending] --> [Flash Heal]x3 ca sa ai [Serendipity] rank3 --> [Inner Focus] Cooldown 3min --> [Greater Heal] --> [Renew]

In amandoua cazurile cand daca ramai fara mana : Selecteaza bossu' ca target ( press TAB ) -->[Shadowfiend] daca tot mai ai nevoie de mana, target pe tine --> [Hymn of Hope]

Sockete: Spirit / Crit / SpellPower

What a Face Have Fun!

Posts : 3
Points : 6
Join date : 2010-08-30
Age : 34
Location : Bucuresti

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